Pin Loom

Pin looms are one of the most accessible and portable looms available to weavers. They come in many shapes and sizes, including squares, rectangles, and even hearts, triangles, and hexagons. Most weavers will end up with multiple pin looms to achieve different shapes, but the 4" square loom is a great place to begin. Just remember that the loom you use will determine the woven fabric pieces you can make with it.

In this category, we've gathered a selection of pin-loom articles, projects, and patterns for you to enjoy.

Little Looms at a Whole New Level

Learn all about the new All Access subscription from Easy Weaving with Little Looms, where you’ll have hundreds of projects, books, and videos at your fingertips!

Designing with Hexagons: Basic Concepts

Weavers tend to think of squares and rectangles when designing, but what about other shapes, such as hexagons?

Weaving with Fluffy Yarn on the Pin Loom

Christina gives tips for weaving with an extra-fluffy yarn on the pin loom and her trick for weaving thick yarn through those last few rows. (Hint: It involves dental floss!)

Viva Magenta! Projects to Celebrate the 2023 Color of the Year

Meet Pantone's color of the year and ten inspiring designs for small looms to get your magenta magic going.

Top 10 Little Looms Articles of the Year

Out of all the posts we put up on this new website, these were the 10 you loved the most.

Tutorial: Make a Simple Pin-Loom Flower

Making a flower using pin-loom squares is both easy and fun. Learn how with this free step-by-step video.

Call for Submissions: Winter 2023—Folk and Fairy Tales

We’re looking back at the stories of old from cultures around the world for this Winter 2023 issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms.

Subscriber Exclusive

Subscriber Bonus: Cuppa Tea Cozy Embroidery Stitches

Learn the 4 basic embroidery stitches Margaret Stump uses in her Cuppa Tea Cozy with this subscriber exclusive.

Unexpected Autumn Projects

It might not seem logical, but it turns out that the Summer 2020 issue is filled to the brim with fabulous fall projects.

Read It and Weave!

If you like to read, you’ll love the 2022 Winter issue of Easy Weaving with Little Looms, dedicated to books and reading.